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"How you think, about a problem is more important than the problem itself. So always think positively. The person who sends out positive thoughts activates the world around him positively and draws back to himself positive results".


- Norman Vincent Peale -

The following (edited) selection has been published with the kind permission of my clients*. For reasons of confidentiality I use only their initials.

*All quotes are taken from authentic letters or emails sent to me.


Wolf Wisdom Oracle Cards: I love them! They will get a lot of use. I shuffled and pulled a card as soon as I got them home, and it was Hurit, which was exactly what I needed to read today. I love the affirmation too and can't wait to discover them all. (RF, California, USA by email.)


Wolf Wisdom Oracle Cards: Your wolf cards have been so informative. The cards I selected were Anoki, Paco, Rafiki and Micco. How amazing and wonderful. All seemed to speak to me and confirm that I am on the right path. (SD. Herts. by email.)


Wolf Wisdom Oracle Cards: Absolutely love them. Superb quality. My daughters and I each drew one and the messages were spot on. Particularly helped my youngest daughter. 

(KF, Oxon. by email.)


Audio MP3 Reading: "I am so grateful. The reading has made me happy and I love that that was the message – find my happiness for others sakes. I’ve always felt so powerless but with the wolf’s message and your words about security around me, I feel a lot stronger. Thank you again and bless you." (RF, California, USA by email)   


Audio MP3 Reading:Thank you Valerie. May you continue to be a much needed conduit in bringing sense and peace to others lives." (Dr. O. L, London, UK, by email.)


Audio MP3 Reading: “You have changed my life”. (VP, Berkhamsted, Herts)


Audio MP3 Reading: “You have and will make such a difference to many people's lives, and you are so good at what you do”. (ES, via email) 


Audio MP3 Reading: "Thank you for always listening and guiding without judgement, I don’t know what I’d do without your help!" (BR, Surrey, via e-mail)


Audio MP3 Reading: "Thank you for my wonderful reading. It was very helpful to me and also very inspiring, the guidance you gave was just what I needed. You also mentioned a name in Spirit for my husband, and this was his dad's name, who passed away 7 years ago. This was a lovely surprise for us, to have my husband's dad come through was unexpected! You have an amazing gift and you are very talented." (PS, Berks, via email.)


Audio MP3 Reading: "Thank you so much! You got me spot on! My mother passed away a couple of years ago of lung cancer (you mentioned having a woman and smoking related, it was also in June and she had her birthday in June too), she was only 49. Just before she passed a big beautiful butterfly flew into the hospice, circled her room and then flew out again, so we always associate butterflies with her and hearing that my Totem Animal is a butterfly has given me a nice warmth, so thank you so much again." (E, Middlesex, via email)


Audio MP3 Reading: "Just a quick note to say thank you very much for the reading. There was so much accuracy in the reading, it was truly insightful." (CS, Bucks, via email)


Illumination Audio CD: "Thank you again for the kind gift of your CD. I have now had the opportunity to listen to it and thought it was wonderful. You have such a soothing voice and the music is so lovely and relaxing. It certainly provided me with some insight and it was wonderful to be shown a unicorn as my power animal- now that is something to live up to."

(T, High Wycombe, via email)

Illumination Audio CD: "Just wanted to let you know how wonderful your Lighthouse meditation is. Yesterday I was in a long tailback on the M4, no way to see what was causing it. While I know I am not supposed to listen to any meditation while driving, I made an exception as it was clear we were going nowhere for a while. In fact it was about half an hour. I suddenly felt the start of what could have been an awful anxiety attack and then someone whispered in my ear to listen to you. So I sat there with your meditation paying through the car’s speakers via the miracle of my Bluetooth phone. Those angels do work in amazing ways. My fear and claustrophobia from 30 minutes previously had been transformed into happiness. I shall keep on listening to the Lighthouse each night before I go asleep as it REALLY works." 

(GB, Somerset, via e-mail)


The Seven Keys Home Study Course: “Valerie, two things - your book is great and I must say your perspective is one I’ve always held belief to - I read it through and will next listen to the CD. You are an amazing and accomplished woman”. (DW, Miami, Florida, USA, via email)


Angel Workshop: Two references From anonymous feedback sheets.

"Just a note to say a big thank you for the super workshop that you ran yesterday. I really enjoyed the day and felt so relaxed and good about myself that I slept like a log last night. I hope that you are considering a follow up."


"I enjoyed the whole workshop - until today I had never thought a great deal about the subject of angels - it has totally changed my outlook."


Two professional endorsements from Linked In: The first from one of my seminars - a talk and demonstration of clairvoyance, on behalf of a charity - the second from a client who attend one of my workshops.

"Great results, an expert with high integrity". (C B-T; Thame, Oxon).


"Valerie has extensive breadth of experience of dealing with people and brings many facets of her services - in business, personnel and her spiritual gifts. She has given me many very personal and helpful insights into my own character that have helped me in my development." (KF, Henley-on-Thames, Oxon).


The Seven Keys Home Study Course:  "I thought it was excellent! I have read a huge amount of books on the subject and normally only glean a few interesting bits from each, whereas your book has everything all in one place and some great exercises to start the work of developing intuition." (JW, via email)


‘This book will be of interest to anyone wanting to explore or heighten their psychic potential and offers a great start fort those starting on their psychic journey.' 

(Psychic World Book Review)


'The 7 Keys' Home Study Course: "I am in the middle of your course at the moment. It nourishes my soul every night and I am convinced it is opening up positive channels for me, lots of the content is releasing negative emotions and fears. It is a joy to read”. (KP, Pacific Palisades, California, via email)


TeleReading/Illumination Audio CD: “A huge thank you for my reading and for the meditation CD. I found it really helpful and will be using it on a regular basis”. (PO, Bucks, via email)


Illumination Audio CD/Mediumship: “Just wanted to let you know that we have both been using your CD and think that it's excellent. The timing of both your speaking and the music (also the choice of music) are really good and the content is lovely. It sounds professional and really caring. T listens before he does his healing prayers and he says that it definitely quieten’s his mind. We also really enjoyed the church service in Aylesbury. Lily is my grandmother so it was lovely to feel her being close”. (L, Bucks, via email)


'The 7 Keys Home Study Course: “I have been looking for this!” (F, Lisbon, Portugal, by email)


Illumination Audio CD: “Just did the first meditation. I was warmed to hear your voice and for it to be a lovely relaxing 'exercise'. I especially enjoyed the visualisation of the golden bubble of safety and protection. For me this guided meditation was an excellent way to end my frenetic day, and begin a journey of connecting with myself. I have a family visit coming up and will be sure to take these guided meditations with me so that I can mentally "regroup" when stressful family patterns emerge”. (JS, New York, USA, via email)


TeleReading/Illumination Audio CD: “I thank you from the bottom of my heart and truly believe you have given me good guidance to help me through some tough experiences. I just want to add that the Illumination CD is a very useful and relaxing post session tool to continue your wonderful service”. (BB, Bucks, via Email)


Illumination Audio CD: “Your voice is really soothing, amazing. I am so impressed. I'm going to listen to more when I go to bed soon - I can't wait”. (GW, Bucks, via email)


Illumination Audio CD: “Have just been listening to 'Connecting to your Inner Guide'. I found myself feeling all tingly, as if the light was going down through my body. I started to feel quite emotional, the background music is perfect and you have a very listening, soothing voice”. (JJ, Bucks, via email)


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